We have very exciting news to share about our new partnership with an awesome organization called The Underground. You can hear all about it below......
Happy Mother's Day - Boyers Story
To celebrate Mother's day weekend we wanted to share with you what the Boyer's family of 5 now looks like and how it came to be. Happy Mother's day to all you moms, grandmas, foster moms and people who have taken on the role of mom for a child. We know this holiday isn't a happy one to everyone, so to those of you who aren't moms yet and long to be so badly, we want this story to give you hope that it can and will happen!!!! A huge thank you to James Blankenfeld for the is amazing film:-)
1 Year Anniversary!
Today, July 22nd is the official day we got our 501c3 non-profit status 1 year ago! We wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has given of their time, services, and money to partner with our families! You truly are helping us make a difference for future generations and we have been amazed by all the love and support. Here's a little highlight film of what that impact looks like. THANK YOU to Voila Cinematic for creating this awesome film and the Devries family for being a part of it. We can't wait for everything the future has in store!
Promise Love Foundation from One24 Cinematic on Vimeo.
Today is World Adoption Day!
Today, November 9th 2014 is the first ever worldwide celebration of adoption! Thousands of people showed their support by putting a smiley face on their hand and #worldadoptionday! Here's some of our friends showing their support!

A friend shared this statistic today and it is literally mind blowing:
"If only 7% of the world's 2.7 billion Christians cared for one orphan there would be no more orphans"
Adoption is way more complicated than a smiley face and has an enormous range of emotions, trauma, and every single situation is totally unique. November being adoption month, and World Adoption Day gets the conversation about this serious crisis out in the forefront and helps people start becoming part of the solution.
Today is also the perfect day to show you the film of our daughter Maddie's adoption finalization hearing. It's personal, and emotional, but amazing, and something most people won't get to experience so it's worth watching. This is when the judge grants final motion of adoption and legally the child becomes part of your forever family. A HUGE thank you to Bryan and Tracey from Lucky Lemon Films for capturing this for us so she'll be able to watch this someday.
Madeline Joy - Adoption Day from Lucky Lemon Films on Vimeo.
Fun-Raiser 2014!
Our very first event was a success!! Thank you to all who came out to have fun! We had 2 goals, the first to was to start getting the word out so we can raise funds to help more families with adoption. The 2nd was to celebrate the adoptions that we've had this year so far, which are Lisa & Fred's 3 children, David and I's 2 girls, and Holly and Saul's little girl. It was an afternoon of games, gelato, pizza, sweets, face painting, princess hair and lots of fun!! THANK YOU to all the amazing volunteers, and professionals who shared their services and donated their time and raffle items. This event would not have been possible without Michael and his staff at NOVA 535, and Linda and Danielle from Linda Marie Events. They all went above and beyond to make it a success and we are so thankful!
The Official Team N
It was double adoption day week for the Promise Love Foundation! 9.24.14 was adoption day for Holly and Saul's daughter Gisselle! Holly and I founded this organization, so this one is extra special because Gisselle and our daughter Maddie are sisters! She's an adorable, spunky, 3 year old now, Holly and Saul have had her as a part of their family since she was only 3 months old as a foster child. Holly use to do my hair at her house, and I remember the first time I met that sweet little baby right when she was about 4 months old. Back then, I never would have guessed the journey both of our families has gone on that came together with these 2 girls. Gisselle was their first foster child, and at that point foster or adoption for my husband David and I was not even on the horizon. 3 years later we got to be there as the judge had everyone raise their right hands and promise to love and care for Gisselle as part of their forever family. There is nothing sweeter!

Let the Fun Begin!
We are SO excited to share with you how we are going to start helping families adopt!!! It's a little un-traditional, but that's how we roll:-) What we are going to do is start sharing a story about a specific family, so you can personally hear their about the journey that has led them to adopt and also how much they need to raise to make it happen. After the adoption is final, we will share with you what their new forever family looks like so that YOU can see how you helped give children a home! The awesome part is that not only will their friends and family be able to give, but anyone who wants to help. AND all gifts are tax deductible through the foundation!
Tomorrow we are going to share with you the very first Promise Love family we are going to help and they are an AMAZING couple adopting a sibling group from the foster system. Stay tuned!!!!!!!