Update and Another BIG suprise for the Long Family!!

      You may remember our Valentine's Day surprise where Carrie and I went to Zack and Evelyn Long's with a BIG check for the remaining balance of their adoption of little miss Stella!  Stella has been doing amazing as a part of their family, and the Long's finalized her adoption just a few weeks ago!  Here's a photo of everyone there to see them officially become a family of 4.

     BUT.....that's not the end of their story!  Just a week or so after this finalization with Stella, they got a call out of the blue, asking if they would be willing to take Stella's 3 year old brother.  After much thought and prayer, they decided to accept placement of Carson just a couple of days ago. This means that Stella and her little brother will get to grow up together as a part of the Long family.  
     As you know, the cost of an adoption is not easy to come up with especially when it's unexpected, so we are asking for you all to walk alongside this amazing family and give as they have given their hearts to these beautiful kids so willingly! 
    They need $5000 to pay for this adoption that will not only keep these siblings together but also change their lives forever.  We are so honored to get to know this sweet forever family and are encouraged by all they are doing to help kids!  Let's get this done, come join us!  DONATE HERE!